Luisa Briones

Huixquilucan Mayor’s Office

Illustration design system

Enrique Vargas del Villar was mayor of Huixquilucan, Estado de México from 2016 to 2021. One of the main objectives of his social media accounts was to keep citizens informed about new government programs or general lifestyle recommendations.

First of all we needed to establish the best format to share this information. The agency usually offered an animated infographic product that was, as the name implies, just a regular infographic with simple animations for the different elements.
For this project, we decided to switch things up and work with short videos with simple animations. The most important part of this first product was to find a natural transition between each element; which required a lot of communication between teams to explore different options.

Although the resulting animation was visually appealing, it also limited the amount of topics we could address.
On top of that, while there were clear design guidelines for the videos, we lacked a character design system altogether.

A character design would grant us more flexibility to talk about different topics. So my assignment was to develop an illustration system that could be handled by the other designers and the animation team, and allowed for simple movements.
I decided to start with a chunky modern design, that was similar to other styles trending at the time. We also kept the color palette of the previous iteration as a base but started adding other different colors. This proposal was approved and used for several months.

Afterwards, the client asked for a more slender design that would help him promote a healthier lifestyle.

The new character design met the client’s request while keeping the elements of the previous versions that worked, like the color palette.
Because it was also closer to other more common styles used at the time, it also made it easier for designers and video producers to suggest new options for the different videos.